Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate is well aware of the strong half of mankind. According to official statistics, the disease affects about 16% of the adult men. Practitioners urologists so-called additional data: not less than 35% of the male population of the country. The difference between the data in the official services and the actual incidence is not difficult to understand: the potential patients just turn for help to the doctors due to embarrassment, restriction, lack of time, lack of understanding of the importance of the newly arising problems.
Inflammation of the prostate today is a leader in the group of male diseases transmitted mainly sexually transmitted. Its complications threatens to infertility, reduced libido, impotence.
Symptoms of prostatitis are not just feelings of pain, disorders of urination, inflammation of the seed of the cable. The most dangerous consequence of the running of the inflammation may become cancer degeneration of the prostate. While timely diagnosed, the disease process easily docked.
The causes of inflammation
The risk of developing inflammation of the prostate gland increases in wine of various predisposing to infection points:
- Hypothermia, disposable helena related with the character of the work under the open sky.
- A sedentary way of life, which sees to the disruption of the functioning of the system of digestion.
- Chronic somatic diseases (diabetes, hypertensive disease).
- The area of sensing, perifocal infection (rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis).
- Persistent UGI (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes virus).
- Stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Reduced immunity due to an illness, functional disorder, emotional stress.
- Bad habits that lead to the development of intoxication: alcohol, smoking, strong coffee.
- Professional crotch injuries drivers, athletes, workers of hazardous industries.
- A chaotic sexual life, discontinued sexual intercourse, deprived of sensuality come into contact with incomplete ejaculation, the long absence of intimacy (low need sperm, they see the stagnation in the gland).
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
Despite the relatively large number of provocative moments, the essence of prostatitis lies in the occurrence of the stagnation inside the body on the background of disturbed blood circulation and lymph drainage.

In modern urology there is no uniform classification of the disease. But practitioners prefer such an option the classification of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland:
- Downstream of the disease:
- Of acute prostatitis. This represents more than 50% of cases of the disease in people aged 30 to 35 years.
- Chronic variant. It is considered nevozmozhnoe category. Long may not materialize, the stimulus to the development of serves as the common cold, infections.
- For some reason, which pathology:
- Bacterial inflammation of the prostate, predominates in men of 40 years, occurs on the background of UGI, does not exceed the boundaries of the authority.
- It is not a bacterial pathological changes in the gland, predominantly chronic current.
- Bacterial inflammation of the prostate is characterized by the sharp procedure, affecting the whole of the sexual sphere.
- On the character of structural changes in the prostate glands:
- Fibrous prostatitis vary rapid irreversible growth of the gland and is need of radical intervention. Clinically resembles the adenoma of the prostate.
- Calculous inflammation of the prostate arises due to the formation of stones within the prostate. It is perceived as a precursor to cancer.
- Stagnant of prostatitis, the result of a sedentary way of life, it is diagnosed in every second patient.
The symptoms of the disease
If a man finds in himself, at least two of the following symptoms of prostatitis, it is necessary to immediately locate a qualified professional:
- Urination disorders with the appearance of unstable, weak streams of urine, unusually short-range missiles, call spray, difficulties and pain before urinating. Frequent urge to emptying of the urinary bladder arise mainly at night.
- Pain, which localized to the lower abdomen, radiating into the scrotum, the perineum, the anus.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- Problems with ejaculation, the change of sperm (consistency, amount).
Acute prostatitis
Disease begins a sharp rise in temperature (to 40 degrees), unbearable headaches, fever. Arise symptoms are accompanied by pain syndrome in the groin, crotch, back, secretions from the urethra, frequent urination and constant impulses to it.
Bladder emptying is happening with a lag, a sense of burning. The very urine becomes cloudy, it may appear an admixture of blood. Arises irritability, fast fatigue.
The outcome of acute prostatitis may be a full resolution process (in a timely started treatment). Because changes occur in many organs of small pelvis, you cannot let them leave it to chance, otherwise we will have corresponding complications:
- Vesiculitis – inflammation of the seminal vesicles, the reason for the formation of pus in the semen, it not only reduces the quality of the ejaculate, but sees the loss of reproductive function.
- Colliculi – inflammatory changes in the seed palatine become opportunities for the development of the strongest pain syndrome during sex, the interruption of orgasm, impotence are psychological in nature.
- The formation of an abscess in the body of the prostate, its rupture, purulent defeat of the rectum leads to the deterioration of the symptomatology, severe intoxication of the organism, and up to a lethal outcome.
- Stagnation in the tissues of the prostate see a change in their structure, disturbances of innervation, blood supply, the glands and organs located next to each other, with violation of their functions. Erection becomes insufficient for full sexual intercourse, there has been a premature ejaculation, prolonged sexual intercourse without the onset of orgasm.
- Scar changes in the gland, the seed of the cable leading to infertility, reducing the qualitative composition of semen, sperm motility. Narrowing of the urethra disrupts the normal process of urination, obstruction of the urinary bladder can become a cause of acute a delay of urine, requires emergency surgical care.
Chronic prostatitis
The main feature of the disease is the blurring of clinical signs with long-term, durable flow of the process. More often the chronic form arises independently as the primary pathology on the background of stagnation of blood in the blood vessels (prostatosis), abacterial prostatitis.
The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis are:
- fever;
- the pain arise in the scrotum, the perineum, the anus, the back;
- violation of urination;
- slimy helena mucous-purulent discharge from the rectum, urethra and in the absence of urination helena bowel movements;
- violation of erectile function, painful ejaculation, interrupted sexual intercourse, longer intercourse without a feeling of satisfaction.
- Infertility is the result of chronic inflammation in the seed cord, bubbles, testicles, and their appendages.
- Cystitis, pyelonephritis (other diseases of the genitourinary system) – in result of the hematogenous and the mechanical spread of microbes.
- Septicemia.
- Steady decline in immunity.
- Untreated prostatitis 35 – 40% of cases can cause oncology.
The clinical picture of the disease is typical, so the diagnosis does not cause difficulties. This puts the urologist on the basis of medical history, examination of the patient, laboratory minimum with the use of the most advanced medical devices:
- Rectal study of the glands, collection of the secrets of examination (cultivation with indication of the sensitivity to antibiotics).
- Uac, OAM, bacterial urine culture.
- Speck on the STD, UGI-studies.
- Daily monitoring of urinary frequency, measuring the speed of urination (uroflowmetry).
- For the differential diagnosis carried ULTRASOUND helena DROPPINGS.
- If it is necessary to exclude Oncology they take the biopsy, they spend urography, determine the PSA – prostate specific antigen.
- For the diagnosis of infertility is associated with spermogram – analysis of the ejaculate for the declaration of the man's fertility.
Based on the results of examination of the patient is an individual scheme of complex treatment of prostatitis. In appointing the drug to take into account the form of the disease, presence of associated diseases. The decision on where to hold on the therapy (in the hospital helena outpatient) takes the doctor. The course of treatment takes place with careful laboratory control of results.
One of the modern treatment centers prostatitis are the clinic's main of the book "Mother and Child". Because the problem of infertility close to the way associated with inflammatory urologry diseases, doctors–professionals devote considerable attention to this issue.
In the clinic "Mother and child" for each patient is the opportunity to go through the complete cycle of the special survey, to obtain psychological support, to be treated drugs of the last generation, used in this area, get acquainted with the new methods of treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. Is not the last place in the complex therapy of prostatitis lasts and the question of effective rehabilitation of patients, pharmacy, observation, prevention.
Treatment of acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis requires bed rest, a special, salt-free diet, sexual peace.
Methods of course of treatment:
- Very effective in the treatment of prostatitis is a causal therapy. If on the basis of a prostatitis – an infection, the priorities of the course of antimicrobial agents, which alleviates signs of inflammation.
- Painful cropped analgesics, antispasmodics, rectal candles, microclimate with warm solutions of drugs against pain prescription. The possible use of the NSA.
- Have proven the effectiveness of Immunostimulants, immunomodulators, enzymes, vitamin complexes, a combination of micronutrients.
- Rehabilitation methods are possible only in the subacute stage of the disease. Improve microcirculation, increase immunity: VHF, UHF, electrophoresis, laser, magnetic therapy.
- Massage – another effective method of action on the prostate. It opens the channels, normalize the blood circulation of the organs of the scrotum, a small pelvis.
- The extreme delay of the filtrate of the kidney can be adjusted catheterization, traganou cystostomy.
- The festering process means surgical intervention.
- Advice of a psychologist.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
In the long course (at least a month) effects on prostate 100% guarantee of a cure not. Priority for phyto-medicines, for immunocorrection, substitution of domestic habits:
- Phyto drugs (for example, Likoprofit) are widely distributed in urologMATIC practice. They are able to accumulate in the site of the most active of the defective process, protect the cells from oxidation, displays free radicals, prevents the widening of the tissue of the gland.
- Antibacterial treatment is set individually, based on the sensitivity of microbes to drugs.
- Drugs that immunity, and it not only help to cope with prostatitis, modify the negative action of antibiotics, which could interfere with the function of the immune system.
- Painful docked the appointment alpha-blockers, muscle relaxants.
- Prostate massage allows you to mechanically remove the "extra" the secret of the prostate through the urethra, to improve blood circulation to minimize stagnant phenomena.
- Physical therapy: laser, magnet, ultrasound, iontophoresis, sit-a warm bath helena microclysters with herbs.
- In severe cases, it is shown the intravenous administration of fluid with diuretics. It stimulates the excessive excretion of urine, profilaktirujut symptoms of intoxication, the upward cystitis, pyelonephritis.
- With constipation are practicing laxatives of vegetable origin.
- The urologist, a psychologist together with the patient is developed the individual long-term program the mode of the day, needed rest, food, measuring physical exertion, sexual activity.
- In the case of insulin chronic process is done therapy, blockage of the outflow of urine is prescribed surgery: removal of all infected tissue (transurethral resection of the prostate) helena complete removal of the glands with the surrounding tissue (prostatectomy). Practiced in exceptional cases, is fraught with impotence, incontinence of urine. Young people does not perform the operation because it can be a cause of infertility.
For the prevention of oppressive for men disorders it is necessary to remove the inducing factors and to follow the simple rules:
- Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits.
- Not supercool.
- Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
- Strengthen the immunity, a lot of walking on foot, hardened.
- To engage exercise and sports, fitness clubs.
- To avoid stressful situations.
- Practice regular sex life with a regular partner.
- Regularly observed at the doctor urologist.