Urologists argue that the most common diseases that they treat, prostatitis. Occur it can not only the harmful microorganisms, but also a bad lifestyle. For the treatment the doctor recommends the patient to a suitable tablet from prostatitis, capable of quickly and effectively cope with this disease.
How to recognize the disease?
The cheerleaders, the man had the feelings of pain, which appear at the time of urination. Can be stitching, pressing, arching or pulling. Their nature and intensity will depend on in what area of the prostate appeared inflammation. In some cases, patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, lower back or sacrum. To strong pain feelings can connect and other symptoms of prostatitis:
- Discomfort in the groin.
- The increase in the temperature of the body.
- Fast fatigue.
- Discomfort during defecation.
- Violation of urination (frequent false urge).
- In the urine it is possible to notice the white yarn.
- Reduction of sexual function (erectile dysfunction, quick ejaculation).
All of the above symptoms may go unnoticed. However, men often put off a visit to the doctor and trying to cope with the manifestations of the disease, use of medication against prostatitis, which offers advertising in the MEDIA or acquaintances, who have already met with this problem. But, as practice shows, most of them still have to eventually turn on the doctor when prostatitis due to improper treatment of the passes in the chronic form.
It is important to remember that medications for the treatment of prostatitis must set apart only by a physician after a comprehensive examination, individually for each patient. Just so it is possible to achieve a full recovery.
What products can you use?
For the treatment of prostatitis, the patient is necessary the whole complex of activities. The main place in therapy still relegated to the use of drugs (a complete overview of drugs in adenoma of the prostate). For this, there is a whole list of drugs, each of which its mechanism of action:
- Antibacterial medications.
- Muscle relaxants.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS).
- Hormonal drugs.
- The alpha-blockers.
- Antiviral agents.
- Pain medication medication.
Depending on the cause, extent of prostatitis and individual characteristics of the organism, the doctor will prescribe a specific cure for prostatitis for men. For example, when it is detected in the analyses of pathogenic bacteria, treatment consists in the use of antibiotics. When the viral nature of the disease, use a anti-virus tools. Length of treatment – not less than 2 weeks.
Treatment treatment of prostatitis will always be focused on the removal of the causes of the disease, relieve inflammation of the prostate gland, eliminate stagnant processes in the pelvic area, the relief available symptoms of the disease. Some mistakenly believe that you can just use any one drug, but doctors say that for effective treatment you need to apply more funds to the different actions. A list of the needed drugs can prescribe the doctor after a detailed examination of the patient:
- NSA. These anti-inflammatory drugs not only cropped the pain, but also eliminate the swelling and inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
- Of the anesthetic. Their use is aimed at the elimination of pain syndrome, which occurs in the genital area.
- The alpha-blockers. These drugs effective in cramps in the prostate gland. Thanks to their use is the normal outflow of urine, to the authorities of the small pelvis to flow more blood and reduces the pressure in the urethra.
- Antibacterial medications. The doctor will prescribe them when he finds out that bacterial infection in the body of the patient.
- Antispasmodics. Pills are able to alleviate the pain, swelling, inflammation and appointed during the acute period of prostatitis.
- The muscle relaxers. Their actions are similar to those that have alpha-blockers.
- Anti-androgen drugs. Their action is aimed at elimination of the inflammatory process in bacterial prostatitis. But because of the large amount of side action and contraindications, prescribe them only rarely.
- Biological regulatory peptides. Drugs in this group stimulate the regeneration of tissues of the prostate gland and improves the metabolic processes in this area.
- Funds from prostatitis plant-based. These drugs more than other popular among patients prostatitis, as created on the basis of medicinal herbs.
- Antiviral agents. Their use is suitable in the case when the cause of prostatitis has become a virus. Prescribe is not only to fight with the virus, but also to strengthen the protective forces of the organism.
Use all your possible in home conditions, but to prescribe any drug should only by the doctor individually for each patient.
The use of antibacterial drugs
Symptoms of acute prostatitis often is treated with antibiotics. Prescribe is when, on the basis of the results of the analyses, it was found the bacterial origin of the disease. Thanks to their use manage to neutralize the negative impact on the body of microbial pathogens. Usually doctors prefer to prescribe the drugs which have broad spectrum of action. The duration of treatment will depend on the stage of the disease, but not less than 7 days. In most cases, they are appointed as an antibacterial tablets from prostatitis:
- Tetracyclines.
- Cephalosporins.
- Fluoroquinolones.
- Macrolides.
- Aminopenicillins.
All of these drugs are presented in various forms (tablets, capsules, injections intramuscular administration). How and how much to tell the doctor. At the same time with the use of antibacterial drugs, the patient should take probiotics, which will take care of the intestinal microflora.
This is not a complete list of drugs, which is the usual use in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate. What is the best, cheap and fast-acting cure for prostatitis for a particular patient, can say only a doctor after a comprehensive examination and identification of the causes of the disease.
The use of folk medicine
Along with drug treatment, the doctor may recommend folk remedies from prostatitis in men. In herbal medicine for the treatment of this disease used:
- The pumpkin seeds.
- Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and fruits.
- Tinctures and decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs.
- Bee products.
Folk remedies against of prostatitis should be used only as part of a complex therapy along with medicines and prostate massage.
Today prostatitis is successfully treated, especially if the patient turned to the doctor in the initial stage of the disease. The pharmaceutical market offers for this huge amount of drugs. But to assign any of them can only physician.