In the treatment of male disease use a variety of means. In many cases, medications from adenoma of the prostate in men are found to be quite effective and allow you to avoid rapid intervention, helen out of his. In drug treatment not seldom occur side effects that must be taken into account when choosing drugs.

When shown a treatment treatment
Drugs for the treatment of male diseases are appointed on the testimony as the main helena auxiliary treatment. I'm sure there are incorporated features of the disease, the patient condition and contraindications to application of drugs.
Drugs are appointed as the main helena auxiliary treatment
Indications for the treatment of lékmají
- The lack of renal complications
- The inability to perform the operation,
- The Re-development of adenoma after surgical treatment.
Treatment treatment is assigned in the initial stages of development of the pathology, when the disorders of the function minimum, and so far no complications, reflecting on the work of the kidneys. To guide operative therapy there are contraindications — advanced age of the patient, the condition of the cardiovascular system.
- Serious violation of urination.
- The volume of residual urine more than 100 ml.
- Acute a delay of urination.
- Hematuria.
- Stones in the urinary bladder.
More recently, the main method of therapy of male disease was surgery. With the Progress of pharmacological methods of treatment, only 20% of men with this diagnosis runs, the other to get an effective treatment with drugs.
Medications to treat adenoma
Are present, these groups of drugs for the therapy of the disease:
- alpha-blockers;
- antibacterial means;
- inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase;
- hormonal drugs;
- herbal means.
When they need antibiotics
Antibiotic treatment is indicated in cases of accession of a bacterial infection. In such a case, use Gentamicin, Levorin, drugs from the group of cephalosporin. With the help of antibiotics to manage to repay the inflammation and improve urodynamics. When choosing a drug it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications for receiving.

Drugs in this group have a relaxing effect on the muscle fiber of the prostate. Ends muscle spasms and the normal process of urination. Facilitate the use of alpha-blockers is achieved quickly. Many drugs in this group induce a significant drop in blood pressure, therefore they are contraindicated in men with a low HELL. This effect of a lack of funds on the basis of tamsulosin. These drugs from adenoma of the prostate acts more carefully and can intended patients of an older age, but also by the people who have such related problems, such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, because they have minimum number of side effects.
One of the most commonly used remedies for treatment of pathology of the group of alpha-blockers – Omnic. Prescribed medicine for removal of functional disorders of the urinary organs. The effect of treatment is manifested already after 2 weeks of income. In the initial stages of development of the disease in patients effect occurs after the first use. The drug belongs to a highly selective, then there acts selectively, precisely on those authorities, for the treatment, which is used, so that the side effects appear rarely. On blood pressure Omnic does not affect.
Omnic available in the form of capsules. Taken once a day, one capsule after a meal in the morning. This medicine is contraindicated in severe hepatic insufficiency and in an increased sensitivity to the components which form the composition.
Inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors
Drugs of this group allow you to get rid of the symptoms of the development of the disease because it hinders the progress of the disease, lead to a reduction in the size of the development of pathology. This is achieved by reducing the levels of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which causes prostatic hyperplasia. After treatment with inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors more than half of the patients do not need surgery. In the treatment of these drugs need to realize that to achieve the effect of time, Relief from symptoms may not occur until after 3-6 months of treatment. A significant advantage of these devices is their efficiency in the larger sizes of an adenoma in men.
Possible side effects associated with the oppression of sexual function, complies with the weakening of erection, reduction of spermophobia. After the cessation of intake of drugs, the negative effects disappear, and the sexual function of men fully recovers.

Hormones in the treatment of prostate adenoma
The application of hormonal drugs in the treatment of prostate adenoma is due to the fact that hormones regulate the growth of the glandular tissue. In some cases it is necessary to block the synthesis of testosterone, to limit the androgenic effect on the prostate. In others, it is necessary to increase the number of male sex hormones. These drugs are assigned to all patients, because they have a large list of side effects.
Herbal preparations
For therapy of pathology are applied to drugs of plant origin, which are sufficiently clear, but have a smaller amount of side effects. They can follow the process of urination, improve the speed of the flow of urine, eliminate the inflammation. Some medications effectively relieve swelling, improve urinary function, without reducing the sex drive.
The actions of herbal remedies
- The suppression factors for the growth of prostate cells.
- Blockade of androgenic receptors.
- Suppression of the action of enzymes involved in the hormonal exchange.
- Impact on the metabolic factors of growth.
Herbal remedies today are produced in practical forms, quite often prescribed as a standalone drug in the need for delicate exposure, and as part of complex therapy.
When prostate adenoma a big difference in the success rate of the treatment plays the timeliness of the measures taken. Upon the occurrence of the first symptoms of the problems you need to go to the doctor. Today often the men themselves prescribe the medication, reading the article about drug products, feedback on their application. On a forum on a website dedicated to male problems, one can find many tips on the treatment of adenoma. However, self-cure involve is not worth it, because it can only aggravate the situation. The most effective is a comprehensive treatment of more drugs. Right to choose can only be a specialist after analyzing the data obtained through diagnostic studies.

One of the frequent diseases in men is inflammation of the prostate gland. To date, drugs to treat prostate adenoma and prostatitis can be found in every pharmacy, but buy them separately (without medical advice), not worth it. Products otherwise the effects, for the adenoma and prostatitis use of established circuits. What kind of meds are often prescribed by doctors and how they work, you will learn from this article.
The main groups of drugs and the mechanism of their action
The first thing worth to say about the adenoma of the prostate – this is something that cannot be run. If you feel pain when urinating, then it most go to the urology department to conduct a survey and reveal the disease, because the reason may be any other inflammation, the formation of stones in the kidneys. In more advanced cases, it is prostatitis develops into cancer, but it is simple, can medicines cure is not possible. It is not necessary to postpone visit to the doctor.
As for drugs, all are divided into basic groups:
- With androgens – it is valid the substance is included in the composition of many drugs from prostatitis and helps to improve the tone of the detrusor, that largely improves urination.
- With the progesterones – doctors call them on the antiandrogens. The use of preparations of this group helps to reduce the adenoma, numb the patient. It is recommended to combine with special procedures: prostate massage, electrophoresis, phonophoresis.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs in the prostatitis on the basis of herbs. Even if they are not considered to be effective, but they have a strong antiseptic effect. Among the herbs in the composition it is particularly worth mentioning, sage, mother and stepmother, chamomile, fennel, parsley, stinging nettle.
List of the best cures for prostatitis and prostate adenoma
From the offered variants of the medication, you can pick up a more than suitable, however, how to cure adenoma of the prostate without surgery, quickly and efficiently advise you only by the attending physician. It is important to realize that the course of treatment should consist of use of drugs and other practices that contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient. Prime examples are massage, physiotherapy.

Rectal candles
Candles for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate gland can be called the most effective. They have a wide physical activity, have the most positive impact on the guests of the lesion. When he came to the pharmacy, easily confused, because of the range of rectal candles, is so great that to choose a drug will be difficult. However, doctors helped by being allocated among the drugs more effective, often assigned:
- Ichthyol candles from prostatitis. Improve blood circulation, have antiseptic, anesthetic action. Their often prescribed in contact with the drugs helena physical therapy. Candles have a very pleasant smell, but it does not affect the effects on the skin. No contraindications to this drug does not.
- Candles with propolis. Release from pain during urination, have anti-inflammatory effects. A huge advantage is the price of these candles – they are budget. In addition, no side effects the product does not cause, so it is possible to use it as a preventive measure.
- "Prostatilen". These candles with indomethacin contribute to the elimination of edema, inflammation, at the same time the normalization of the function of the prostate. Suitable for the treatment of the running stage.
- Favorite candles for the treatment of prostatitis. They are applied in the therapy of complicated cases of prostatitis, provide an effective anti-inflammatory action. However, a number of contraindications does not gives you the opportunity to take advantage of this medicine to each patient.
As well as candles, diet pills are divided into groups according to their own actions. Treatment treatment you must prescribe only the urologist after the conducted survey, which will allow you to determine how to treat the adenoma of the prostate. The purchase and use of drugs without a doctor's prescription, is hardly a positive impact on the quickest possible recovery. What products from the prostatitis more often prescribed by doctors:
- Anti-inflammatory – you specify in the acute form of adenoma, with pain during urination.
- Antispasmodics – this group of tablets relieves spasms and relaxes the muscles, which largely improves the blood circulation.
- Antibiotics – in case of adenoma of the prostate is caused by infectious lesions of the gland and found bacteria that are the causative agent of the disease are assigned to the pills of this group. Find out what kind of antibiotics in prostatitis will just suit you will be able to the physician performing the examination. Antibiotics drink a course together with the rectal meds.

All of them are effective drugs, improving the regenerative processes. Injections are shown as conservative treatment of helena prevention, protects the prostate from viruses. The dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor because they have side effects.
Effective phytotherapeutic remedies
In the complex treatment of prostatitis also often apply herbal. Their components are selectively accumulates in the tissues of the prostate, reduces the manifestations of inflammation, help to strengthen the protective function, protects cells against free radicals and controls the process of excessive growths of the prostate tissue. Thanks to the comprehensive and balanced composition is going to remove the hassle associated with urination, the weakening of the pain syndrome. The components of the complex on the background of standard therapy effective influence on the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, contribute to the improvement of urination: reduce frequency of urination and increase urine flow, improve mood and have an overall tonic effect in patients with chronic prostatitis.

In search of active drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis you no one comes to ad folk phytotherapeutic remedies, supposedly able to rid you of this disease. It is worth mentioning, is that they are not medicines, but rather to Badami, which is to be taken in the preventive purposes. In the composition are plant extracts favorably affects the condition and functioning of the prostate gland, but in the case of the acute phase of the disease phytotherapeutic remedies are not able to cure.
If you often face the adenoma of the prostate, then your doctor will be able to prescribe preventive tools, which are able to reduce the risk of a new inflammation. Their effect try wearing for many men, leave only positive feedback. Drugs perfectly cope with inflammatory processes, block you and let the prostate gland to function as it should.
Read about other methods of how to treat the adenoma of the prostate gland in men.
Medicines from prostatitis and prostate adenoma are used part of comprehensive treatment with the aim of reducing symptoms and the effect on the basic factors, giving rise to the violation. Patients is worth to remember about the dangers of self-treatment and the selection of a suitable drug trust only a qualified doctor-urologmají. In appointing take into account the age, associated disease, characteristics of your patient's body.