Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate caused by the entry of bacteria and viruses, as well as stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvic organs and scrotum. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can be carried out both by conservative methods and by recipes of folk medicine.
Causes and symptoms
Prostatitis is a common disease. It affects one in three men over the age of 50. At the same time, in recent years, the number of men aged 20-50 suffering from this disease has increased significantly. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, stress and unhealthy diet.

The main causes of prostatitis:
- Genitourinary infections. The main reason for the development of the disease. These infections include herpes, chlamydia, thrush, E. coli, cytomegalovirus;
- Stagnant processes of the small pelvis;
- Passive lifestyle. Prostatitis occurs more often in office workers, civil servants and drivers;
- Decreased immunity;
- Hypothermia;
- Prolonged sexual abstinence;
- Physical and psychological stress;
- Lack of vitamins and minerals;
- Hormonal imbalance.
To get rid of prostatitis, you need to quickly consult a doctor. Consultation with a specialist is necessary when symptoms characteristic of the disease appear.
The main symptom of the disease is the presence of pain in the perineum, rectum and pelvic organs. In addition, pain can occur on the inside of the thighs, in the lumbar region, penis, scrotum and testicles.
A characteristic symptom is urinary disturbance. At the same time, urination becomes more frequent, pain and cramps occur, intermittent flow of urine and a strong urge. In addition, there are violations in the genital area. In men, libido and erection decrease.
With chronic prostatitis, pain can also occur during ejaculation. In the absence of timely treatment, men develop a decrease in the fertilizing capacity of the ejaculate, as well as infertility.
Features of the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies
Acute and severe prostatitis is treated only under medical supervision and preferably in a hospital setting. At home, only treatment of an uncomplicated or chronic form of the disease is carried out.
Traditional medicine can reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, relieve pain and frequent urination, increase immunity and the body's ability to resist UTIs.
Home treatment consists of the following steps:
- take herbal preparations;
- normalization of nutrition;
- the use of hot baths;
- increased patient activity.
Any home treatment should be coordinated with a specialist. This is especially true when the patient is taking prescribed pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, regardless of the method of treatment, a preliminary diagnosis of the disease is necessary.
How to treat prostatitis at home
In the absence of contraindications and complications, honey, propolis, pumpkin seeds, onions, freshly squeezed juices and other natural products can be used to treat prostatitis.
Pumpkin seeds
This remedy has long been used to treat prostatitis. They contain a lot of zinc, which is useful for men of all ages. For the treatment of disease and disease prevention, it is enough to eat only 30 seeds per day.

However, these seeds should be fresh and unroasted. You can also twist a pound of peeled seeds with the same amount of honey. Eat a tablespoon of this mixture every day. With chronic prostatitis, only one monthly treatment per year is sufficient.
Chronic prostatitis is well treated with propolis. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and spasmodic effect. Propolis should be mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5. Leave to infuse for a week in a dark place. Strain.
You need a few drops of ready-made propolis extract and half a teaspoon of cocoa butter. Make a candle from the prepared mixture and insert it into the rectum. Perform the procedure daily for a month. Then take a 6 week break and repeat the treatment.
This remedy effectively fights the inflammatory process in the prostate. In addition, if you complete the full course of treatment, you can restore sexual function. The treatment consists of a daily intake of parsley juice three times a day for one tablespoon. Improvement will come after 4-6 weeks of regular treatment.
To prepare a healing mixture, you will need 200 g of onions, 100 ml of liquid honey and 400 ml of dry wine. Chop the onion, add the rest of the ingredients and let sit for weeks. Filter and take 50 ml before meals. This remedy effectively fights chronic prostatitis.
With the help of a regular intake of pear compote, prostatitis can be completely cured. In this case, relief comes after 4-5 days of regular use of this remedy. Compote can be made from fresh or dried pears.
Natural juices
For the treatment of chronic prostatitis, it is effective to drink freshly squeezed juices. The most useful are birch, cabbage and citrus juices.
Herbal preparations
Unprocessed herbs such as parsley, spinach, and parsnip can be used to treat prostatitis. It is also effective to take natural herbal teas from freshly dried herbs.
Fees to reduce symptoms of prostatitis
To reduce the frequency of urination, eliminate pain and suspend multiplied microorganisms, it is effective to drink tea made from birch buds, lingonberries, tansy and horsetail. Take a teaspoon of each herb. Infuse in a liter of water and filter after an hour. Drink a glass three times a day.
St. John's Wort, Chamomile and Aspen Bark
The mixture of these herbs helps to improve blood circulation, strengthen immunity and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to mix the herbs in equal proportions. For a liter of water you will need two tablespoons of the ready-to-use collection.
Drink in small portions throughout the day. To improve the well-being of the treatment, continue for at least 20 days.
Ginseng, valerian, ginger and mint
The mixture of herbs has a tonic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat chronic and prolonged prostatitis. On the basis of a mixture of herbs, tea should be brewed and drunk in unlimited quantities instead of tea or coffee.
Hop cones, birch buds, celandine and calendula
It will take a tablespoon of herbs. We put the finished collection in a thermos at the rate of two tablespoons of herb per liter of water. We insist all night. The rate of consumption per day is 300 ml. You can drink in small portions.
To relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and improve general well-being, this collection is recommended to be taken for two months.
Nutrition and exercise

Moderate physical activity is extremely beneficial in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. It helps to eliminate inflammatory processes in the prostate and increase the general tone of the nervous system. The set of exercises should be chosen so as to exclude the occurrence of exacerbations and deterioration of the general condition.
Morning exercises should be done daily. In addition, it should include exercises for all types of muscles. It helps to go to the pool, run and walk. In acute prostatitis, excessive physical activity is prohibited.
As for nutrition, it must contain a maximum of useful elements, fibers, vitamins and minerals. The amount of alcohol should be kept to a minimum, but it is better to refuse it at least for the duration of treatment. In addition, the ban should cover fatty foods, smoked meats, baked goods, offal, salted and canned vegetables, soft drinks and coffee.
The diet should contain the maximum amount of green vegetables and herbs. It is imperative to consume fresh onions and garlic daily, which inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms and increase immunity.
Hot baths
The treatment can be effectively supplemented with pine baths. They reduce inflammation, relax and strengthen immunity. For their preparation, you can use a ready-made pharmaceutical solution or a natural decoction of needles. The water should not be too hot. The long procedure lasts up to 20 minutes.
Hot baths are allowed in the absence of fever, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Medical treatment
In some cases, the use of folk remedies does not give a positive effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical preparations. Most often, together with the prostate, they are prescribed:
- antibacterial drugs for infectious prostatitis;
- alpha-blockers;
- hormonal drugs;
- painkillers;
- muscle relaxants;
- antibiotics;
- antifungal agents.
Prevention and complications
Inflammation of the prostate, in the absence of prompt treatment, passes to other organs. In addition, with chronic prostatitis, serious pathologies of the prostate can develop, for example, prostate adenoma. In addition, the most common complications include prostate abscess, vesiculitis, stone formation, and male infertility.
Therefore, timely treatment and prevention of the disease is necessary. The main preventive measures include:
- regular sex life;
- lack of casual sex without using a condom;
- normal physical activity;
- adequate nutrition;
- lack of bad habits;
- avoidance of hypothermia.
In addition, it is necessary to regularly visit a urologist even in the absence of symptoms of prostatitis.
Prostatitis is a serious disease that affects one in three men. Its treatment will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to eat well, exercise more, and maintain your male health.