Men do not like to go doctors. Why - who knows! It's too busy to sit in front of the medical office, then simply afraid of people in white coats. Whatever it was, even at such serious diseases, such as prostatitis, with a strong floor often prefer to be treated yourself. This article is intended in the first place so lovers home samobrazovaniya, and it will go on such a question, as is the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies.

What is prostatitis?
Prostate called the second man's heart - is the body small in size, is located between the lonna articulation and rectum. Inflammation of the prostate, and there is a disease called prostatitis. Unfortunately, the disease it is not entirely rare.
Different medical sources say that in Russia there is a number of men, sick prostatitis, ranges from 35 to 70% of the population. Regions give different statistics. Of suffering from this disease, approximately two-thirds turn to their doctor, others, it seems that try as much as possible to find out what is the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, and trying to cope with the suffering of their own.
The first symptoms
As is known, any disease it is better to start to heal in the very beginning, without having to wait for it to pass in the chronic form. If a man bothers episodic discomfort in the groin, in the area of the head of the penis and testicles, perhaps this is the first signs of prostatitis. Also representatives of the stronger sex, I should point out the so-called "syndrome of the last drops". It is involuntary, uncontrollable excretion of droplets of urine after urination has been completed, during the sitting down.
Sometimes, prostatitis is manifested immediately in the acute form, and then his symptoms cannot be overlooked. Ill experiencing:
- acute, sharp pain in the groin, in the groin, testicles and over the pubis;
- frequent, very painful and difficult urination;
- the feeling of pain during defecation;
- increase in body temperature to 38-39 °C;
- weakening of erection;
- weakness, sweating, overall feeling of ill.
If you turn to the doctor, then it will be able to make the diagnosis of prostatitis. Symptoms, treatment and follow preventive measures to the disease came back again, - all this is in direct relation to each other.
The symptoms of the chronic forms of the disease are very similar as in the acute, but in addition, still can add a significant weakening and deterioration of the sexual feelings and the appearance of the discharge from the urethra during bowel movements. Treatment of chronic prostatitis, as well as acute, it is best to trust the doctor-the urologist helena andrologist.
Possible causes of the occurrence of the disease
Inflammation of the prostate gland can occur for many reasons. First of all, pathology can be caused by viruses, bacteria, helena mushrooms; secondly, the cause of the disease often affects the stagnation of the secretion of the prostate and of the blood in the veins, in this small body, which can contribute to irregular sexual life.
Also stagnant phenomenon can be triggered by a sedentary helena sedentary way of life, by wearing too tight underwear and abuse of hard alcohol. In addition, hormonal disorders, immune system disorders, presence of infectious foci in the body, where bacteria can penetrate into the prostate, - all can cause prostatitis. Symptoms of (treatment of folk remedies can bring some relief, but not eradicate the problem) uncomfortable, however, timely appeal to the help of a specialist increases the chances of recovery. Why samobrazovaniya is often ineffective? The fact is, that without examination and professional diagnosis is sometimes difficult to determine the true cause of the disease. And this means that even after a successful treatment can return. For those who into force of certain circumstances, he is willing to resort to the help of doctors, listed below are the recipes of folk medicine, which give the most good results in prostatitis.

Treatment candles with propolis
As is known, propolis has a very strong antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. This is the reason why the people's medicine successfully used this remedy in inflammation of the prostate. Treatment of prostatitis in men in the help of propolis is the use of tinctures, ointments and suppositories, prepared on its basis.
Suppositories (with due skill) can be easily produced in domestic conditions. For this it is necessary to take a pure extract of propolis in an amount of 0.1 g and 2 g of oil, cocoa mix both the ingredients and by hand to form small candles. But that's not the only recipe.
Here is one more tip on its own production of suppositories: melt 200 g of any fat the basics, add 40-60 g well of crushed propolis, stir thoroughly. When the mixture is smooth, add the wax and stir, so the mixture can settle, then pour off the liquid, formed top, cool, cut into the mass to pieces after 5 g and formed from them the candles.
Suppositories should be inserted into the back passage every night before going to sleep. Length of treatment - a month. Then comes a break of 4-6 weeks, after which once again followed by the six-month treatment. You will only have to pass the course 3. It is recommended to combine this treatment with an income in the medicinal mixture consisting of 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey. The adoption of this composition is maybe a tea spoon (three times daily) for a period of one month.
Boban friends and tincture on the basis of propolis
Well established folk treatment of prostatitis propolisNoah tincture and boban friends. For the last preparation you need 30 grams of propolis carefully mix with olive helena sunflower oil. Do it best in a water bath. Obtained by the need to lubricate the guests to the crotch is 14 days.
To prepare the tincture is also easy: in the 96 % alcohol to dissolve the propolis in the ratio of 1:2 and put on 2 weeks in a cool and dark place. From time to time tincture is a need to shake. At the end of the set time, the infusion should be dry. It is now possible to carry out in the course of treatment. 30-40 drops of tincture diluted in milk helena in the water and taken somewhere for half an hour before meals. On the whole the course is drained monthly. Pomace, which remain after straining, throw not - it is perfect for suppositories.
Tinctures, ointments and candles on the basis of propolis remove pain, reduce the dimensions of the inflammation of the prostate, normalize its work function and the outflow of urine, improves overall health of a sick person.
Treatment of prostatitis herbs and plants
Folk medicine resort to the healing power of various herbs in the treatment of many diseases, and prostatitis is no exception here. There are many plants from which it is possible to do infusions and decoctions, which well help in the presence of this pathology. Here is their list:
- parsley;
- chestnuts;
- adri;
- Wintergreen and Wintergreen;
- calendula;
- nettle;
- fennel;
- that yarrow;
- harrow the field;
- bearberry;
- cyanosis;
- adonis;
- pumpkin.
Of parsley prepare juices, to be taken half an hour before meals tablespoon 3 times a day. It is also a good decoction of the seeds of this plant. Parsley quickly relieves inflammation and restores sexual function.
In the treatment of chestnut is used alone the core, and their shells from the needles. You just have to boil and drink instead of tea. This drink is very beneficial effect on the prostate.
The seeds of the pumpkin can make a homemade treatment of prostatitis very effective! It is one of the most effective means by which in ancient times used all of the quack and healers. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc - a chemical element necessary to every man. They can be eaten whole, in chopped form before meals helena mixed with honey.
The use of decoctions from the leaves and bark of the adri for the treatment of prostatitis - a good choice, too! These ingredients it is better to cook and drink alternately to a quarter cup 3-4 times a day. Relief should come for over a week.
From the juice of the berries of the black elderberry, juice of parsley, the peel of the chestnuts, a decoction of bearberry, primrose and burdock root can be prepared with excellent medicinal infusion. Take the potion must be within two-three weeks, after this time the symptoms of the disease begin to subside. Cyanosis can boil and drink the decoction from it, as well as long-term exposure, and for acute prostatitis, and here, for example, adonis displayed only when the chronic course of the disease. Both plants are the best to cook in a fresh state, i.e., directly from the bed.

Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies it would be good to supplement hydrotherapy. For it is possible to do a warm (no higher than 43 degrees) sedentary trays helena warming microclysters (to 38 degrees). In the water it is possible and advisable to add the milky-oil mixtures and decoctions of succession, chamomile and sage. Important: during the acute phase of the disease a warm bath can be harmful, than their make, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.
A good calming and relaxing effect produce the common bath, whose temperature is not higher than your body temperature (36 degrees). Their adoption should be no more 10-20 minutes. Are permissible and warm (41-43 degrees), bath - they are able to shoot pain when shortening of the muscles and causes relaxation when overexcited. Definitely need to see to it that the guests of the heart was covered with water! After the procedure it is necessary to take in the cool hairdryer a comfortable temperature.
Treatment juice
Juice therapy can also complement the treatment of prostatitis. Reviews talking about this method as very effective, but that has some side effects. The fact is, that the juice mixture, the recipe of which is given below, actively promotes dissolution of stones and sand in the kidneys and gall bladder and their subsequent excretion from your body, and it can be accompanied by severe bouts of pain.
Now go directly to the recipe: it is necessary to prepare a mixture of beet, cucumber and carrot juice and drink this multivitamin fraiche half a cup 3-4 times a day. Course - a few weeks. Very important: the freshly squeezed juice of red beet can't drink, need to give him a few hours to settle.
Treatment of prostatitis in men it is possible with the help of genoterapii. The main thing - to find the appropriate procedures for the raw materials. The clay is to be found in quarries, on rock reefs, t. in-depth product of the year has a higher biological activity than the superficial. Necessary tool can be purchased at the pharmacy. Best enjoy the deep blue clay. It is necessary to soak it in the broth helena infusions of medicinal herbs to the consistency of very thick cream, then form a pone a thickness of 2-3 cm and put it on the guest of the prostate gland, fasten the bandages. The above is recommended to give the wool fabric, wrap the warmer in a blanket and lie down for 2 hours.
During this procedure, the sick person may annoy quite a strong pain, it is necessary to endure. The availability of the painful feelings it means that the clay works and is in full swing it's cleansing. After a lapse of two hours is such a cookie may acquire an unpleasant smell, what they say about a large amount of toxins, which she managed to pull out of your body. Clay used to have to throw out, and even better - bury them in the ground. Note: after the procedure can not go out, it is better some time to stay warm.
How to eat when prostatitis?
I need is some kind of special diet in the treatment of prostatitis? Symptoms (the treatment of this disease can not be called fast), you can greatly facilitate, if you eat properly and eliminate a variety of harmful products from the diet. When inflammation of the prostate gland is necessary to give up smoked and spicy foods, no matter how tasty they are! A variety of pickles, canned foods, including homework, too it is necessary to drop from the menu. In addition, that the prohibition applies to alcohol, radish, radish, spicy condiments, baking, sweets, strong coffee, tea. As for garlic and onions, it is possible, but only in small quantities.
Sick prostatitis is specified a varied diet, which includes milk products, cheese, nuts, sunflower seeds (especially pumpkin), lean meats and fish, different cereals, vegetables, fruits. In particular, it is important to consume a diet that contains zinc: legumes, chicken liver, sea fish, various seafood, grapefruit, apples, berries (raspberries, currants), honey, stanislaus celery, beets, tomatoes, baked potatoes, etc. As you can see, food can be very diverse and tasty.
Useful tips
There are all sorts of methods of treatment of prostatitis. Some of them was described in this article. In addition to them I give a few useful tips, that will with inflammation of the prostate gland.
- It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, and not only on the street, but also in the interior.
- When sitting on a chair it is necessary to compress the buttocks. If there is such a possibility, it is better to sit down and stand up.
- Prostate helpful massage, because it is not enough supplied with blood. This is useful, will do its 1 once a week to helen more often. For this in the back passage introduces a finger. More comfortable just sitting on the potty.
- After the wc it is possible to use a small syringe introduced into the rectum an infusion of chamomile - it is very well relieves inflammation.
Chronic prostatitis may take place in waves, with periods of improvement and this condition sometimes lasts for several years. Periods of remission may be a false man seen as a complete cure, and that in time, the inflammatory process is able to stealthily spread further into the urinary system. As you understand, to anything good that may not lead. So that at the first suspicion of inflammation of the prostate is the best as soon as possible to see a doctor. Similar words - not attempt to intimidate, and the desire to help in the treatment of this difficult disease, such as prostatitis. Be healthy!