Prostatitis is a disease accompanied by acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate. Most often, this pathology is detected in men aged 25 to 50 years old. In the vast majority of cases, such a disease is associated with infectious flora, but there are exceptions. In this article we will talk about medications for prostatitis and consider inexpensive but effective remedies.
Before talking about various medications, we emphasize that the use of any medication is possible only with a doctor's prescription.
Antibacterial agents
If, based on the results of the examination, it is determined that the inflammation of the prostate is caused by bacteria, the first-line drugs are antibiotics.
The choice of a specific antibacterial agent depends on the sensitivity of the pathogen. For example, for prostatitis, macrolides and fluoroquinolones are often used.
In 2014, scientists published a study, the aim of which was to compare the effectiveness of drugs from the group of macrolides and fluoroquinolones in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. As a result, the macrolide antibiotic was found to be slightly better tolerated by patients and contributed to a longer freedom from relapses in most men.
Alpha blockers

Another group of medications frequently prescribed for inflammatory lesions of the prostate are alpha-blockers.
The purpose of these drugs is to normalize urination by reducing the tone of the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate and bladder neck, reducing pressure in the urethra and reducing resistance to urine flow.
So, alpha-blockers are indicated for patients whose urination process is impaired due to prostatitis.
Medicines in this group are almost equally effective. The choice of a specific medication is the responsibility of the attending physician.
Herbal preparations
Herbal remedies are part of a separate group of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. Many of them are used successfully to combat inflammatory lesions of the prostate; they are inexpensive and very effective.
Examples include tablets or an oral extract containing herbs, St. John's wort and goldenrod, licorice roots, and rhizomes containing echinacea roots.
According to the manufacturers, this drug has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, improves blood circulation in prostate tissues and normalizes urination.
Another popular medicine is capsules containing an extract from the fruits of the creeping palm tree. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, thereby improving urodynamics. In addition, this drug exhibits antiandrogenic activity, which inhibits proliferative changes in prostate tissue.