After 30 years the man may encounter problems in the functioning of the prostate, and will need to seek funds, how to heal yourself prostatitis. Experts categorically do not recommend doing this, because there is a great risk of developing complications and worsening of the situation. The lack of timely adequate treatment brings not only discomfort to the patient, but also can become the cause of more serious disorders.

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form.
- The patient with acute prostatitis alarm clearly expressed symptoms, treatment should be immediate and, as a rule, is performed in a hospital;
- Chronic prostatitis occurs more often in men of mature age (from 45 years and older). It is characterized by a more lethargic in the course of, the symptoms are manifested not so much intense, however, ignoring the disease sees to the formation of hyperplasia of the prostate.
Treatment of prostatitis should be started immediately after detection of the first symptoms of the disease.
Types of treatment of prostatitis
Patients, who prefer the self, the will face more serious problems, so it is much better to overcome your shame and fear, and turn to the doctor. As well as in the lack of medical knowledge, the patient can independently identify the factors that triggered the disease. Treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the tissues of the prostate varies, as, indeed, and speeches.
- In acute course of the disease immediately prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunostimulatory agents, drugs to eliminate edema and normalization of urination;
- If prostatitis is flowing into the chronic form, it is necessary to treat with antibiotics, massage.
If the disease takes place, your doctor may prescribe operative intervention. A positive effect on the condition of the prostate folk remedies, physiological treatments, diet and exercise.
Medical therapy
In order to effectively treat prostate cancer, can not do without the use of medication. If the disease occurs in chronic form, without the complications and exacerbations, impractical to keep the patient in the hospital. The doctor prescribes him the necessary medication and sends you home to recover. At home the patient is obliged to fulfill the instructions of the doctor, taking prescription medications, do exercises, regularly visit the doctor to have had the opportunity to observe how the disease. The specialist recommends how to treat the pathology, depending on the cause of its occurrence. In men aged 20-40 years, more often occurs bacterial prostatitis. That causes the factor are pathogenic microorganisms which penetrate into the tissue of the prostate gland, which contributes to the development of the inflammatory process. Particularly susceptible to bacteria patients with immunity, so you should take care of your health constantly, and it's only when the disease is in an active stage of development.
You cannot effectively treat prostatitis without the use of antibacterial products, if it is induced by the action of pathogenic microorganisms. Products struggling with the bacteria, eliminating the cause of the disease. Do not prescribe antibiotics if the disease has a stagnant nature. Drugs have a negative effect on harmful bacteria, destroys them, thereby reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process, the condition of the tissue is normal, and go the symptoms of the disease. Doctors most often recommended to treat inflammation of the prostate gland using drugs. Drugs group of antibiotics are effective in acute prostatitis. Their active ingredients will quickly get directly into a hotbed of inflammation, have a bactericidal effect, thus the condition of the patient improves, the symptoms of declining. In the chronic form of the current prescribe drugs with somewhat different features. It drugs from the group of antibiotics-tetracycline.
Hormonal means
Recently, on the other hand, have proven to be of the hormonal drugs which can also treat diseases of the prostate. Operates in two directions: it reduces the intensity of the symptoms, restore the erectile function of men. It is possible to use them only according to the instructions of the attending physician. If you use drugs, not on purpose, it can cause serious complications for the patient.
Prostatitis, as well as a number of other diseases, develops on the background of low immunity. To its increase for a short period of time, it is not enough to normalize the food, eat fruits and vegetables. Here requires more radical methods, which quickly and effectively normalized the immunological system of the patient. Without strengthening immunity, cure prostatitis is almost impossible, therefore it is the patient prescribed immunostimulatory drugs.
Rectal candles
Medicines are filtered through the liver and excreted by the kidneys, and therefore these organs are the most affected from the active ingredients of drugs. How to reduce the negative impact on the body, unlike drugs for oral naming also rectal suppositories. In pharmacies there is a large amount of these funds. You may include in the composition of the ingredients, whose effect is aimed at the struggle with pathogenic microorganisms, painful sensations helena inflammation and may be based solely on natural ingredients, which effectively acts on the sick body and improve his health. Drugs favorably affect the condition of the prostate gland, helps to reduce swelling and elimination of the inflammatory process, enhance local immunity and resistance of the organism. Due to the use of suppositories normal urination, leave the painful feelings.
This technique proved its effectiveness. Its essence is in the fact that it is necessary to treat inflammation of the leech. The procedure is not too pleasant, but it helps to effectively cope with the symptoms of the disease and improve the overall condition of the patient. As a result, stimulates the blood supply to the diseased organs, removes all harmful substances to subside the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Give leech is required many times. The course of treatment consists of five sessions, the break between which must be at least 4 days. The benefits of hirudotherapy is the following:
- In the saliva of the leech contains a large amount of useful substances that come to a sick body men;
- Stimulates blood circulation;
- The volume of blood that circulates in the inflamed area is reduced.
Hirudotherapy useful in other diseases. Not every man will dare to the treatment of prostatitis leeches, however, there is nothing wrong with that, it's not even painful, just uncomfortable.
Folk remedies
The means of folk medicine also have demonstrated their ability to help cure prostatitis. Folk methods of proven experience and over time. Quite effective they are only part of a comprehensive therapy, can be used for the prevention of disease. Some folk medicines have contraindications and can be dangerous for the patient, so as that nothing to do, you need to consult with your doctor. So folk recipes to help men.
- Pumpkin.
The seeds of this Gorodovoy culture contain a lot of zinc. Its deficiency causes not only development of prostatitis, but also other purely male problem. It is necessary to eat only 30 pieces to offset the lack of zinc in the body.
- Propolis.
It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It is best to buy propolis in the candlelight and insert it rectally with a frequency of twice a day. The course of treatment – three weeks.
- Bee stings.
This method should be used very carefully, because failure to comply with security measures can hurt the patient. A person without experience in the field of beekeeping unlikely to cope with this trivial task, because it is necessary for the bees to sting at the active point. Prostatitis – comprehensive inflammatory diseases of the prostate, which requires timely and effective treatment. Drool problem cannot be left to chance. When the manifestation of the first symptoms should see a doctor. In acute helena running the chronic form of the patient maintained in the hospital. In other cases, it is possible treatment in the home environment. No matter, how effective were the folk remedies themselves are not able to cope with the problem. Do not forget that self dangerous for the health. Only an expert can determine the cause, form and character of the disease, after which will prescribe the medication and it will be possible to treat. One of the important stages of recovery and maintain men's health — the treatment of prostatitis in domestic conditions. Home treatment will help faster to cope with the problem. However, it is not worth it at this neglect qualified medical help. First you need to get a doctor's advice, pass the examination and identify the cause of faults, then get rid of prostatitis will be simpler.
How to understand that in men is prostatitis
Of course, that diagnosis puts the specialist, however, there are symptoms that should alert man. If they are, is it worth it to pay attention to their health, and it is best to immediately go to a urologist. Diagnosis of prostatitis in the home lies in the fact that "do not browse" the first alarming symptoms. Acute prostatitis will not allow it, but more often tends to be a chronic form of the disease, which develops slowly, with a gradual increase in symptoms.
The first signs of prostatitis
- A feeling of discomfort in the groin and in the genital area
- More frequent desire to urinate,
- Of sexual disorders.
In worse condition worsen painful feelings, maybe the deterioration, which is accompanied by a more vivid symptoms:
- pain in the lower abdomen,
- painful urination,
- significant deterioration erection,
- the overall feeling bad,
- increase the temperature of your body.
Followed by a trip to the doctor men have to undergo diagnostics and get the goal. Quickly as possible to solve the problem, will help the treatment treatment of prostatitis, that will be more effective when using proven home method. Competent urologist always explain to the patient how to treat prostatitis at home, will tell you what measures should be taken. When the infectious nature of the disease is assigned treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics, if the cause shall have become stagnant phenomena, then the main efforts directed at their removal.
How to treat prostatitis at home
Methods of treatment of prostatitis in domestic conditions suggest the use of folk recipes based on herbal medicine, massage, exercises that help to cope with the disease and improve the health of men. It is important to note that home treatment of prostatitis is possible only in cases where no complications, complicated forms of helena often recurrent disease require greater attention and more serious measures.
Folk recipes to help men
Treatment of prostatitis in men in the domestic environment, based on folk recipes will help to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve the process of urination, but also to improve the overall tone of your body and increase its resistance to certain diseases. Folk medicine helps fight prostatitis!
Pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis
Pumpkin seeds are used to treat prostatitis no matter the century. Their therapeutic significance is caused by the large amount of this element, as is zinc. The male body needs a daily intake of zinc in the body, this allows you to preserve and maintain health. To treat to used dried, but not fried sunflower seeds of a pumpkin. It should be cleaned from bark and eat. On the course of treatment usually just half a kilo of seeds. Then the course will take in the meantime, until a "cure". If you repeat these courses a year, then there is a risk of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis significantly reduced. The day you should eat 30 seeds of pumpkin. They do it before a meal, the rush is not worth it, you need to carefully think through.Peeled pumpkin seeds skip through a meat grinder and add to them 200 grams of honey. All mix well and driving balls about the size of a walnut. For the treatment of chronic prostatitis a day to eat 2 as the bead. It is, as in the previous case, taken before meals and chew thoroughly.
Recipes with wormwood
Wormwood – a plant, which you can use to cope with virtually any infection, including greatnow. How can cure prostatitis wormwood? To best implement the comprehensive course, which includes intake of ingestion of a decoction of the and irrigation of the urethra. Need 100 grams of dry wormwood, which fray in the hands of how you can smaller and sift through a sieve. A small fraction is used for the reception inside in a dry form, large – for decoction of, from which microclysters and douching urethra. As a result, they receive a double effect on the body, which is cleaned from zoonotic infections, which sees to the cessation of inflammatory processes. The treatment takes a week. Dry sagebrush, regardless of the food they choke up inside, washed down with water. Every day in the evening they do microclysters and washing out the urethra with the use of a decoction of the.
Decoction for mikroklizm and showering are doing this. One teaspoon with a slide dry herbs wormwood pour a liter of boiling water. After cooling to 400C filter it. For each procedure will need 50 ml of the decoction from Using a syringe to produce an injection in the back passage and the urethra. Injection into the urethra produce sharply to make the liquid progress as possible. For each procedure it is necessary to use a separate syringe. Wormwood is a herbaceous plant with a large spectrum of activities, therefore prior to treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and it is necessary to consider all features of such therapy. During treatment, you can not smoke, take alcohol. Possible exacerbation of other chronic diseases and the deterioration of the overall well-being.